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Dean Lloyd Enterprises, Inc., Bird Control Products
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Please browse our complete line of bird control and pest animal repellent products below. Click on the product image or title for more information on that item. You may quickly add an item to your cart by clicking the "Add to Cart" button.  Your item will be displayed in the Shopping Cart window. Please note that there are mulitple product pages. The links to the next and previous product pages are at the bottom of the table.

We offer many different ways to search and review products on our site.  If you are experiencing any difficulties at all or just need assistance, please feel free to give us a call and allow one of our Bird Control Professionals to assist you. Toll free: 1-866-411-6287, Ext. 2

Please download our PDF, BirdStopper's Product Catalog.
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Transonic Bug ChaserTransonic Bug ChaserSonic and ultrasonic bug repeller gets rid of all insects using sound frequencies that make them scatter. 
Transonic Mole ChaserTransonic Mole Chaser3-in-1 sensory attack on all burrowing creatures. Safe, non-toxic and harmless to pets and humans.
Transonic ProTransonic ProSonic and ultrasonic animal repeller gets rid of bats and small critters using sound frequencies they can't tolerate.
Tweetzilla Bird Control HazerTweetzilla Bird Control HazerBird haze generator is ideal for bird dispersal in populated areas for indoor and outdoor use!
Ultrason XUltrason XOutdoor, ultrasonic bird control device uses "silent" high-pitch frequencies that only birds and bats can hear.
Universal Bird Control SpikeUniversal Bird Control SpikeStainless steel bird spikes can be adjusted to fit a variety of narrow surfaces to keep birds off!
Woodpecker ProWoodpecker ProSonic woodpecker repeller uses real woodpecker distress calls to protect your property.
Yard-GardYard-GardElectronic animal repeller uses ultrasonic frequencies to keep small animals and rodents out of your yard.
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