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Please browse our complete line of bird control and pest animal repellent products below. Click on the product image or title for more information on that item. You may quickly add an item to your cart by clicking the "Add to Cart" button.  Your item will be displayed in the Shopping Cart window. Please note that there are mulitple product pages. The links to the next and previous product pages are at the bottom of the table.

We offer many different ways to search and review products on our site.  If you are experiencing any difficulties at all or just need assistance, please feel free to give us a call and allow one of our Bird Control Professionals to assist you. Toll free: 1-866-411-6287, Ext. 2

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Flock Free Bird SprayFlock Free Bird SprayFlock Free Bird Spray is a specially formulated liquid bird repellent for residential use on plants, trees and and foliage.
Flock Free Tank Mix KitFlock Free Tank Mix KitTank Mix Kit is a specially formulated liquid bird repeller that can be sprayed on structures and foliage.
Flock Off! UV PaintFlock Off! UV PaintUV reflective paint creates a visually intense barrier that birds instinctively avoid.
Gator GuardGator GuardRealistic "floating" visual predator scares away geese and other water birds.
GooseBusterGooseBusterSonic goose control repeller features authentic goose alert and alarm calls to prevent acclimation.
GooseBuster 12v DC TimerGooseBuster 12v DC TimerDC Timer allows unit to work in areas without electricity. Works with 12v Dc battery and solar panels.
GooseBuster ProGooseBuster ProGoose repeller features single-speaker to get rid of Canada Geese in smaller areas.
Hazer Unit CoversHazer Unit CoversHazer Covers are custom fit to protect hazers from weather and provide discretion while in operation. 
HVAC Riser Netting SystemHVAC Riser Netting SystemEconomical solution to keep birds away from expensive AC-HVAC units with protective netting system.
Indoor Bird LaserIndoor Bird LaserIndoor bird laser uses laser beams to repel birds and other creatures from indoor areas and enclosed spaces.
Irri-TapeIrri-TapeFoil tape repels birds with a synergy of visual, audible and physical distractions to scare them off.
Mega Blaster ProMega Blaster ProSuper sonic bird control repeller blasts birds away with very loud bird distress calls. Ideal for airports and landfills.
Mini Solar HazerMini Solar Hazer

The Mini Solar Hazer dispenses an invisible haze to irritate birds that is ideal for outdoor remote locations.

Mutil-Sensory Visual Scare KitMutil-Sensory Visual Scare KitMulti-sensory visual scare kit combines three proven effective visual scare devices to repel birds.
Outdoor Bird LaserOutdoor Bird LaserOutdoor laser bird repeller distracts and removes birds, rodents and bats from outdoor areas with laser technology.
Plastic Bird SpikesPlastic Bird SpikesPlastic bird spikes create a physical barrier to prevent birds from landing on rooftops and ledges.
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