All levels of government agenices are tasked with bird control as part of their pest management and wildlife control efforts. Pest birds are a nuisance and over time birds can destroy and deface public buildings and grounds, parks, historic structures, transportation facilities, bridges, military bases and more. The corrosive acid in bird droppings can eat away at paint, concrete and metal and cause deterioration of structures. More importantly, bird droppings can present serious health risks to the public. Bird infestations have been correlated with several diseases: most notably, Histoplasmosis (Respiratory disease) and West Nile Virus.
BirdStoppers offers several effective bird control products for government agencies to use as part of a complete bird control management program. Our products are GSA competitively priced. Government and military customers receive a minimum 5% discount on all bird control products. |
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Bird Control Strategies for Government Agencies & Military Installations
When it comes to implementing a successful bird control program, the first step is to have a pest management program in place to begin with and a department assigned to oversee it. Many government agencies get calls for bird or pest problems but do not have a program in place to deal with it. Bird control management should be a priority and part of every planned budget. Bird Control should not be looked at as an added expense. The goal is to eliminate the bird problem before costs become exorbitant for repairs, damage and potential liability issues. Review the tips and recommended bird control products below and make them part of your government's strategy for success! |
Electronic sound repellers like the BirdXPeller Pro are effective at repelling pigeons and other birds away from buildings. Use the Super BirdXPeller Pro for greater coverage areas like bridges, transportation depots, outside public garages and other outdoor areas.
Ultrasonic Bird Devices like the QB4 and Super Quadblaster provide bird control protection for interior structures and enclosed areas like public garages, depots and utility buildings.
BroadBand Pro, our best selling combination ultrasonic/sonic bird control device repels pest birds anywhere. BroadBand Pro can provide a large area of protection and is discreet.
Bird netting provides complete bird exclusion for areas that have a zero bird tolerance.
Use our scent and taste aversion bird repellent, Bird Stop, to protect grass, parks, public grounds and ornamental plants and to repel pigeons, seagulls, swallows and other birds.
Roost inhibitors like Bird Spikes, Bird Gel aversions and bird shock devices protect landing surfaces like ledges, roofs, signs, towers and more from pest birds perching.
Mix in visual bird scares like Bird Deflector and Irri-Tape flashing tape along with electronic bird repellers to provide a multi-sensory attack on pest birds.