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Please download our PDF, BirdStopper's Product Catalog.
Portable Moby Bird HazerPortable and sleek bird hazer is ideal for chasing geese and other birds away from any location!
Prowler OwlVisual bird scare, predator owl replica is lifelike and moves in the wind to scare away birds and pests.
QuadBlaster QB-4Ultrasonic bird repeller blast birds and bats out of semi-enclosed, indoor areas with silent ultrasonic waves.
Remote Extension SpeakerExtension or replacement speaker for electronic sound repeller units (excluding GooseBuster).
Safety Solvent CleanerSafely clean and remove unwanted sticky residue bird gel from equipment and clothes.
Shock TapeAdhesive-backed conductive tape sends a low voltage zap to stop birds from perching on surfaces.
Shock Tape Charger110V AC Power Charger for Shock Tape and other shock system products that repel birds.
Solar ChargerSolar Charger fully charges in 8 hours of sunlight and provides power for all bird shock systems.
Solar PanelUse small, 5-watt or large, 20-watt solar panel to charge DC batteries for use with electronic repellers.
Solar Yard GardSolar-powered, pest repeller uses ultrasonic frequencies to keep unwanted animals away.
Sonic NetSonic Net uses new white sound technology to scramble birds communication signals.
Stainless Steel Bird SpikesSteel bird spikes physically prevent pest birds from roosting on landing surfaces like rooftops, ledges, etc.
Super BirdXPeller ProSonic bird repeller uses natural distress calls for bird control protection in large outdoor areas.
Super QuadBlasterUltrasonic pest bird repeller and flashing strobe light is a multi-sensory attack on birds and bats.
Surface Pro Tack - Liquid SpikesLiquid plastic bird spikes, for indoor and outdoor use, that makes surfaces tacky and uncomfortable for birds to land on.
Terror EyesVisual scare predator, menacing 3D balloon with holographic eyes repels pest birds and small animals.