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Canada Goose (Branta canadensis) Family: Geese


Goose Behavior

Goose Identification

Quick Bird Facts

  • Height: 22” - 48”
  • Weight: up to 24 lbs.
  • Life Span: 10-25 years in wild
    > up to 40 in captivity
  • Wing Span: 50 - 74"
  • Flight Speed: 20-55 mph
  • Food: Graze on marsh grass, pond weeds, new grain and corn
  • Habitat: Grassy fields near water, golf courses, parks

Canada Goose Profile

Canadian Geese have a black neck, bill and head with occasional white patches and a white strap under the chin. The body is usually brownish gray although colors vary in some of the subspecies. In some of these birds, the body is dark brown where as in some of the larger subspecies, the body is a light gray tone. Underneath, the colors are much lighter and almost white on the tail. During flight, the tail shows a white semi-circle just above the black tail.
The Canada goose call is a deep musical "honk-a-lonk"
Canada Goose CallHear It Now! 

Canada Goose Problems

Waterfowl cause significant losses to agricultural and aqua cultural crops, damage golf courses, cemeteries, lawns, and gardens, and contaminate reservoirs. Their activities can cause real economic hardship, aggravate nuisance situations, or create human health hazards. Goose problems in urban and suburban areas are primarily caused by giant Canada geese, which are probably the most adaptable of all waterfowl. If left undisturbed, these geese will readily establish nesting territories on ponds in residential yards, golf courses, condominium complexes, city parks or on farms. Most people will readily welcome a pair of geese on a pond. They can soon turn from pet to pest, however. A pair of geese can, in 5 to 7 years, easily become 50 to 100 birds that are fouling ponds and surrounding yards and damaging landscaping, gardens, and golf courses. Defense of nests or young by geese and swans can result in injuries to people who come too close. A larger threat is air safety. Geese are one of the main birds involved in airline bird strikes worldwide.

Canada Goose Control

Non-migratory Canada geese are difficult to remove. Once established, immediate corrective landscaping and behavioral modification is imperative: Remove cover shrubbery; use herbicides to eliminate aquatic vegetation; and reduce fertilizer, especially around pond areas, to make grass less nutritionally attractive. The best products to remove geese are our Bird Hazer products. The Tweetzilla Bird Hazer has shown great effectiveness at repelling geese away from large open areas, like on golf courses. Several visual scare products like the Gator Guard and Prowler Owl combined with Bird Stop taste aversion should be employed as soon as the birds enter the area, varying in location and type. For more established flocks, audio scare devices like our  GooseBuster sonic repeller, which projects true geese distress calls through several speaker locations in a random pattern to scare them away. All systems require constant re-enforcement and should be relocated frequently, especially the Gator Guard head to remain a realistic threat to the birds.

See our complete list below of recommended bird deterrent products to repel canadian geese.
To speak to a bird control professional, call BirdStoppers at 1-866-411-6287.
A "synergy" or combination of bird repellent products typically offer the most successful solution for repelling Canadian geese. For bird control solutions, we often recommend using companion products by combining electronic sonic repeller devices or bird hazers with visual scare deterrents, physical bird barriers or scent and taste aversion products. This kind of multi-sensory attack is extremely effective in deterring pest geese for good!

Bird Hazers & Sound Repellers

Bird Hazers & Sound Repellers

GooseBusterGooseBusterSonic goose control repeller features authentic goose alert and alarm calls to prevent acclimation.
Portable Moby Bird HazerPortable Moby Bird HazerPortable and sleek bird hazer is ideal for chasing geese and other birds away from any location!
Visual Bird Scares & Taste Aversions

Visual Bird Scares & Taste Aversions

Bird StopBird StopLiquid bird repellent has a taste and smell that birds can't stand. Protect crops and food sources.
Coyote DecoyCoyote DecoyRealistic life-size predator decoy scares away geese, birds and other small pests.
Gator GuardGator GuardRealistic "floating" visual predator scares away geese and other water birds.
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