Shrewd property managers of residential and commercial buildings understand the importance of having a good bird control program in place. Most apartment and condo building owners have dealt with pigeon problems at their properties. Pigeons and other pest birds can become more than just a nuisance problem if left unattended. Unsightly and unhealthy bird droppings, nests, loud noise and property damage are some of the leading complaints from tenants. The proactive property manager will respond to these issues promptly before the issue can lead to a full blown bird infestation. A bird infestation can lead to expensive property damage, repair and clean-up costs. In addition, tenants are exposed to safety hazards and health issues which could potentially lead to liability issues.
The savvy property manager recognizes all of this ahead of time and takes initial steps to keep food sources contained, garbage covered, bird messes cleaned up, leaky roofs and gutters fixed. Preventive bird control management in a multi-use residential or commercial property is a necessity. To assist in your preventative bird control plan, review our tips and recommended bird deterrent products below to keep your residential property bird free! |
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Property Management Bird Control Strategies
We offer several effective bird control solutions for property managers below that can keep birds from roosting, nesting and damaging your property. The most common places birds typically cause damage on apartment buildings and condos is the roof, ledges, balconies and entry ways. Some of these areas, like the roof, can be protected to completely exclude birds. Ledges, beams, sills and other convenient roosting spots can also be protected to repel pigeons and pest birds. Electronic bird repellers can keep walkways and entrances bird free. These bird control solutions for property management can all be achieved at an affordable price, which is great for your budget! |
Bird netting can protect any open area that has a zero bird tolerance keeping pigeons out and avoiding costly damage and repairs. For building roofs, HVAC units, vents, chimneys and more.
Bird Hazers can protect large open areas, like building roofs, to keep birds away.
Powerful electronic sound repellers like the Super BirdXPeller Pro can repel away pigeons around apartment building areas, grounds, parking facilities and more.
Use BirdXPeller Pro, which has sound settings targeted for specific bird species, to repel birds in smaller areas or semi-enclosed spaces.
Silent and discreet, ultrasonic bird repellers like BroadBand Pro repel birds in large outdoor areas. Try ultrasonic Balcony Guard for smaller areas.
Bird Spikes and Bird Gel deterrents can be used to keep pigeons from roosting on ledges, beams, canopies, and sills. UV Reflective Paint is a great bird deterrent for all landing surfaces.
Bird scares like Bird Deflector are an effective visual bird deterrent which can be mounted on roofs, HVAC units and balconies.