BirdStoppers offers several indoor pest control products that are safe and effective solutions to get rid of birds, small animals, bats, rodents and insects. Birds and pests can gain access to indoor areas by a multitude of ways despite your best efforts to keep them out. Pests can enter homes through open doors and garages, holes in roofs, venting, attic vents, chimneys, cracks in the underlying foundation, etc. For businesses and property owners it is very common for birds and animals to enter through open doors and windows
It is important to note that birds and animals sometimes get caught in an indoor area by accident, but most of the time they are looking for food, shelter and a potential nesting spot. |
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Bird Control Removal Solutions & Prevention
The best preventative bird control method is to first determine where birds are gaining entry. Some businesses tend to keep garage and loading dock doors open all day. This is a welcome invitation for bird entry. If possible keep doors closed when not in use. Birds can enter through roof venting and other openings.
- One best practice is to seal off roof openings by creating a physical barrier using bird netting. Netting is easy to install and can cover large openings to repel pigeons and other birds. Bird netting is also a popular choice to prevent birds from gaining access to ceiling rafters and beams.
- To repel existing birds from indoor areas, install an ultrasonic device, like our Quadblaster 4 bird repeller, which uses high-frequency sound waves to repel birds and keep them from entering in the first place.
- Consider the Super Quadblaster 4 to frighten off birds with a multi-sensory attack of ultrasonic sounds and a visual flashing strobe.
- Try adding visual scare devices in combination with sound repellers as an additional bird deterrent.
Animal and Rodent Control Removal Solutions
- Small animals like rats, squirrels, mice and bats can also be a nuisance problem in a home or business. We recommend using an electronic animal control device for repelling pest animals.
Insect Control Solutions
Ultrasonic insect repellers like our Transonic BugChaser have proven to be an effective bug and pest deterrent for all types of flying and crawling insects. |