Privacy PolicyBirdStoppers cares about how your information is handled, and we appreciate your trust in us. We will process your information carefully and sensibly in the strictest confidence. This notice describes our privacy policy. By visiting BirdStoppers, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Notice. Please contact us directly if you are uncertain or have questions regarding our terms and conditions.
Online Security This site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. We will maintain appropriate safeguards to ensure that the security, integrity and privacy of your information is protected. These measures include the collection of personal information only on pages which are protected by a secure SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate and by proper network security. You can trust that our order form is protected when you see the SSL secure symbol, All content, images and design on this site,, is copyrighted unless otherwise noted. The pages on this site are the sole property of Dean Lloyd Enterprises, Inc. and its licensors unless otherwise stated. The reproduction or use of any part or content of this Site in any way (including without limitation viewing, down loading, printing and saving) is prohibited except in accordance with the following conditions: You may download material displayed on the Site for internal corporate or for personal use only provided you also retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the materials. You may not distribute, broadcast, modify, transmit, reuse, re-post, or use in any form the content of this Site, or use the content to build other databases or other sites without our written permission. Whenever you reproduce or use any part of this site in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, please include this notice and acknowledge as the source. Please note that product trademarks on this site are licensed by our manufacturers. As an authorized distributor of these products we are granted permission to use these trademarks on our site. Visitors to our site are not authorized to use these trademarks without written consent from the manufacturer. The same terms and conditions apply as stated above regarding site content. |