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Parking Lot Bird ControlParking garage facilities have constantly struggled with effective bird control maintenance. For indoor parking garages, birds can easily fly through entrances and open separations between each parking level to seek shelter. Birds roost on beams and ledges in the parking structure and search for food around open garbage cans and litter left behind. Outdoor door parking lots at malls, airports and arenas face tougher challenges since birds can pretty much roost anywhere they want over a much broader area.

In either case, birds are notorious for leaving messes behind especially on vehicles. Bird droppings contain a uric acid content that can ruin the paint jobs on cars and should be removed as quickly as possible to avoid paint etching. Bird droppings also harbor diseases which can be transmitted to humans through direct contact or inhalation. Review our recommended bird control strategies and bird deterrent products below for parking facilities. 
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Bird Control Strategies for Parking Facilities
Parking facility operators can use several effective bird control methods to keeps birds from roosting and nesting on their property. Every successful bird control maintenance plan includes preventative steps that should be taken into account. First, keep garages and lots maintained properly but routinely emptying trash cans that may overfill on to the ground. Consider using trash receptacles with lids or covers versus open barrels. Have bird droppings promptly removed by a trained and qualified professional. Install electronic bird devices to cover large areas inside and out, use exclusion bird netting to cover as many structural openings as possible, and consider installing roost inhibitors like bird spikes on beams, rafters and ledges where they like to perch and build nests. If nests are present, they must be removed.
  • Bird netting can be used to create a physical barrier to keep birds out of specific areas like up in the ceilings of parking garages and between separations between levels.

  • Powerful electronic sound repellers like the Super BirdXPeller Pro can frighten away pigeons, gulls and other birds over a large area like in parking lots. Sound repellers work best outdoors and can be easily mounted to light poles and columns.
  • Use BirdXPeller Pro, which has sound settings targeted for specific bird species, to repel birds in parking facilities and semi-enclosed spaces.

  • For areas that sound devices will be disturbing, try a silent and discreetultrasonic bird repeller like BroadBand Pro to repel birds in large outdoor parking areas. Our Quadblaster 4 ultrasonic repeller works well inside garages and semi-enclosed areas to repel birds.

  • Bird Spikes and Bird Gel deterrents can be used to keep birds from roosting on ledges, beams, rafters and other surfaces. Bird Shock Tape is effective on beams and ledges, as well.

  • Bird scares like Bird Deflector and Irri-Tape are effective visual bird deterrents using the sun's reflection and wind movement to scare away birds. Use in outdoor lots, on parking roofs and other outdoor structures.
Bird Control for Parking Lots

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Bird Netting StructuralBird Netting StructuralHeavy-duty BirdNet for protecting structures, vineyards, crops, etc. from nuisance birds and bats.
BirdNet PremiumBirdNet Premium3/4" Premium grade netting is a permanent physical barrier solution for large commercial projects.
Broadband ProBroadband ProOffers both sonic sounds and ultrasonic pulses to evict pest birds. 3 acre coverage.
Flock Free Bird SprayFlock Free Bird SprayFlock Free Bird Spray is a specially formulated liquid bird repellent for residential use on plants, trees and and foliage.
Flock Free Tank Mix KitFlock Free Tank Mix KitTank Mix Kit is a specially formulated liquid bird repeller that can be sprayed on structures and foliage.
HVAC Riser Netting SystemHVAC Riser Netting SystemEconomical solution to keep birds away from expensive AC-HVAC units with protective netting system.
Indoor Bird LaserIndoor Bird LaserIndoor bird laser uses laser beams to repel birds and other creatures from indoor areas and enclosed spaces.
Outdoor Bird LaserOutdoor Bird LaserOutdoor laser bird repeller distracts and removes birds, rodents and bats from outdoor areas with laser technology.
Plastic Bird SpikesPlastic Bird SpikesPlastic bird spikes create a physical barrier to prevent birds from landing on rooftops and ledges.
QuadBlaster QB-4QuadBlaster QB-4Ultrasonic bird repeller blast birds and bats out of semi-enclosed, indoor areas with silent ultrasonic waves.
Shock TapeShock TapeAdhesive-backed conductive tape sends a low voltage zap to stop birds from perching on surfaces.
Stainless Steel Bird SpikesStainless Steel Bird SpikesSteel bird spikes physically prevent pest birds from roosting on landing surfaces like rooftops, ledges, etc.
Super BirdXPeller ProSuper BirdXPeller ProSonic bird repeller uses natural distress calls for bird control protection in large outdoor areas.
Super QuadBlasterSuper QuadBlasterUltrasonic pest bird repeller and flashing strobe light is a multi-sensory attack on birds and bats.
Surface Pro Tack - Liquid SpikesSurface Pro Tack - Liquid SpikesLiquid plastic bird spikes, for indoor and outdoor use, that makes surfaces tacky and uncomfortable for birds to land on. 
Ultrason XUltrason XOutdoor, ultrasonic bird control device uses "silent" high-pitch frequencies that only birds and bats can hear.
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