Golf courses pose one of the toughest challenges for effective bird control because there is so much wide open area. It is difficult to use traditional electronic bird control devices where there is no electricity. Trees, water and fresh green grass are an instant attraction for most birds, including Canadian geese. Canada geese love to feed on short golf course grass with confidence since most predators are unable to conceal themselves.
It is important to implement a golf course bird control program early in the season to prevent geese from becoming acclimated. Once geese have begun nesting it will be extremely difficult to remove them. Unattended geese can cause serious problems for a golf course superintendent like landscape damage, unsanitary droppings, attacks on golfers, loud noise and ultimately loss of revenue. Golfers may stop coming to the course, if they see the goose problem is not being taken care of. |
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Golf Course Bird Control Strategies
A complete and successful golf course bird management program typically requires using a synergy or combination of bird control products that have a proven track record of repelling geese and other birds. Once a goose control program is successful it must be maintained throughout the golf season to prevent a return goose infestation. Review the strategies and recommended bird control products below that can help keep your golf course goose free! |
Bird Hazers can protect large open areas on golf courses. Hazers emit a light fog that emits a scent that flying geese find irritating. Multiple bird hazers can be installed in different locations on the golf course and run by a solar powered generator.
Electronic sound repellers like the BirdXPeller Pro are effective at repelling other birds like pigeons and seagulls.
The GooseBuster Sonic Repeller keeps geese from feeding on the grass and greens. GooseBuster can be solar powered for remote areas.
Use our food-grade, taste aversion bird repellent, Bird Stop, to protect turf, grass, greens and other surfaces on the course to repel pigeons, seagulls, geese and other birds.
Roost inhibitors like Bird Gel aversions and bird shock devices can be used to protect storage buidlings and clubhouses.
Visual bird scares like Bird Bopper and realistic 3D bird predators such as 3D Coyote Decoy can help maximize results. Let Gator Guard float in your ponds to keep pest geese away.
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