Warehouses, distribution centers, manufacturing facilities and industrial plants all face similar problems with pest birds. Birds get into buildings in a variety of ways. Facilities with large open doors are a friendly invitation to birds and other unwanted critters. Once they have become acclimated, bird removal is difficult. Facility managers must have a bird control strategy in place before a few pesky birds compounds into a complete bird infestation! Pest birds that are left to linger in the rafters and beams will eventually start to build nests. Bird droppings will become a serious issue for the plant. Droppings pose a potential health risk for workers and worse yet may compromise products and equipment. Droppings will deteriorate structures and equipment. Bird control problems can cost management thousands of dollars in costly damage and repair to buildings and equipment, loss of production time, worker absence, quality control issues, potential liability problems and penalties.
The bottom line is a facility that produces, stores or ships products can ill afford the risk of having bird droppings infiltrate the system. That is why the savvy warehouse manager can rely on BirdStoppers to help with bird control for their warehouse, facility or plant. Our bird deterrent products are affordable, effective and safely repel birds and other pests. |
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Bird Control Strategies for Warehouses, Manufacturing, Distribution, Industrial Plants
A successful bird control program includes having a pest management program in place to deter birds from entering open buildings and get rid of them once they've entered. Keep large entry doors, like on loading docks, closed when not in use. Keep open food sources covered inside the facility covered and outdoor dumpster containers closed. Routinely inspect ceilings, rafters and building roofs since these tend to be the favorite locations for pest birds to roost, nest and poop. Routine inspections of these areas, removal of nests and droppings can keep your warehouse or facility running smoothly and without interruption. Bird control management should be a priority and part of every facility manager's budget. |
Electronic sound repellers like the BirdXPeller Pro are effective at repelling pigeons and other birds away from buildings and loading areas. Use the Super BirdXPeller Pro for larger coverage areas like outside public garages, lots and other outdoor areas.
Ultrasonic Bird Devices like the QB4 and Super Quadblaster provide bird control protection for indoor areas of warehouse and distribution centers especially up in high ceiling rafters and beams.
BroadBand Pro, our best selling combination ultrasonic/sonic bird control device, repels pest birds using silent, ultrasonic sounds.
Bird netting provides complete bird exclusion for areas that have a zero bird tolerance. Use over loading doors, roof vents, HVAC units, rafters and beams.
Use our scent and taste aversion bird repellent, Bird Stop, to protect grass and landscaping around the facility to repel pest birds.
Roost inhibitors like Bird Spikes,and Bird Gel aversions can be used on beams, rafters, signs and ledges.
Mix in visual bird scares like Bird Deflector and Irri-Tape flashing tape along with electronic bird repellers to provide a multi-sensory attack on pest birds.