 Bird Gels are an effective roost inhibitor to keep pest birds from landing on flat surfaces like beams, ledges, window sills, billboards, signs, etc. Bird Gels create a tacky surface that birds find uncomfortable to perch on. Bird Gels are harmless, discreet and an economical DIY bird control solution that work best in applications where other bird control products may not be feasible.
Taste Aversion products are liquid bird repellents that contain an active ingredient with an unpleasant scent and taste to birds. Birds leave treated surfaces for more hospitable feeding areas. Use taste repellent products like Bird Stop Liquid Bird Repellent to protect grass, shrubs, ornamental plants, vineyards, and any other potential food source for birds. Taste aversion repellents are easy to apply, non-toxic and bio-degradable. Harmless to birds, pets, plants and humans!
Consider using Bird Gels and Taste Aversions in combination with other bird repellent products as part of a complete bird control management program.