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Residential Bird ControlHomeowners don't typically encounter bird problems on the same scale as businesses and commercial landowners, but that doesn't make pest birds any less of a nuisance problem. Pest birds make unsightly messes, destroy grass, gardens and plants, make nests and cause property damage. Residential bird control solutions for a homeowner are significantly less expensive and easier to manage than for commercial establishments.

Homeowners can implement preventative bird control practices that make areas around your yard and property less appealing to birds. Start by eliminating any sources of food. Do not install bird baths, bird or animal feeders. Cover pools when not in use. Clean up pet messes right away. Create a physical bird barrier using bird netting to protect gardens and plants. In the Spring, be observant if birds are roosting in the same location daily on your property. This could be an early warning sign that they are constructing nests. When birds aren't present, remove any signs of nests, but be cautious not to disturb the nest if eggs or hatchlings are present.
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Residential Bird Control Strategies
It is not possible to fully prevent pest birds from entering your property. Fortunately, BirdStoppers has many safe, humane and highly effective bird remedy products that repel birds away. Our bird control products are designed with the "Do-It-Yourself" concept in mind. Our bird repellers and bird deterrents do not require professional installation or technical knowledge. Each product comes with an easy-to-read product manual with detailed operating and installation instructions. If you need assistance in choosing the best product or with installation, you can call us directly for expert bird control advice!
  • Use Bird netting to protect gardens, plants, and other areas you want to barricade from birds.

  • Electronic bird repellers use digitally recorded bird distress calls and predator calls to scare birds away. BirdXPeller Pro and WoodPecker Pro have species-specific settings.

  • Ultrasonic repellers like Balcony Guard and Yard Gard can deter birds and other animals using silent ultrasonic waves that only they can hear.

  • Physical bird barriers like Bird Spikes and Bird Gel deterrents can be used to safeguard landing spots like on window sills, gutters, fences and balcony railings.

  • Visual bird scares like Irri-tape and Terror Eyes and realistic bird decoys such as Prowler Owl can be easily installed to scare birds in your yard, garden and flower beds.

    Combining Bird Deterrents for Maximum Effectiveness

Residential Bird Deterrents

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Balcony GardBalcony GardSilent, electronic bird control device gets rid of pesty birds in small areas like on patios and balconies.
Bird BopperBird BopperVisual bird scare, heavy-duty vinyl balloon whips around in the wind scaring off pest birds.
Bird Netting - Standard MeshBird Netting - Standard MeshStandard Mesh, 3/4" bird netting is perfect to protect areas around the home or garden from birds.
BirdXPeller ProBirdXPeller ProSonic bird repeller emits real bird distress calls and predator sounds to scare away birds for up to 1 acre.
Deer GardDeer GardMotion-activated, deer repeller uses ultrasonic waves to keep deer off your property.
GooseBuster ProGooseBuster ProGoose repeller features single-speaker to get rid of Canada Geese in smaller areas.
Irri-TapeIrri-TapeFoil tape repels birds with a synergy of visual, audible and physical distractions to scare them off.
Plastic Bird SpikesPlastic Bird SpikesPlastic bird spikes create a physical barrier to prevent birds from landing on rooftops and ledges.
Prowler OwlProwler OwlVisual bird scare, predator owl replica is lifelike and moves in the wind to scare away birds and pests. 
Shock TapeShock TapeAdhesive-backed conductive tape sends a low voltage zap to stop birds from perching on surfaces.
Solar Yard GardSolar Yard GardSolar-powered, pest repeller uses ultrasonic frequencies to keep unwanted animals away.
Terror EyesTerror EyesVisual scare predator, menacing 3D balloon with holographic eyes repels pest birds and small animals.
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