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Eco Bird 4.0 Liquid Repellent for Hazers
Eco Bird creates an invisible haze that is lighter than air. When used with a mechanical bird hazer unit, a light haze is dispensed into the air that smells like grapes. Unfortunately for birds that fly through the haze, it's a scent they can't stand! Since the Birds can't see the haze they can't avoid it. When flying thru the haze, birds experience discomfort to a nerve located in their beak called the trigeminal nerve. The feeling is similar to the same sensation as eating a hot pepper and will teach birds, in flight, to avoid an area that has been hazed. Automated fogging systems inhibit any future re-infestation from new bird populations and assure a total bird free environment. |
- Methyl Anthranilate, the active ingredient in Eco Bird, or (MA) is commonly used as a fragrance or flavoring in many types of foods. It has a pleasant odor to humans, but birds can't stand it.
- Eco Bird is harmless to humans, pets, plants and birds.
- Eco Bird is a contact bird repellent, which means they must be exposed directly to the fogging agent.
- Eco Bird haze only effects birds in flight. We recommend using a combination of bird deterrents for a complete bird control management system.
- Eco Bird is specially formulated to be used only in our Bird Hazer units. Each Hazer unit can hold 2.5 gallons of Eco Bird Liquid and should only need to be filled approximately every 2 - 2.5 months.
- Eco Bird is ready to use and does not require dilution or mixing.
- Do not use other products that contain (MA) in our bird hazer units as they do not have the same tolerance to freezing.
- MA is EPA accepted as a common bird deterrent for agricultural protection.
Eco Bird 4.0 Label |
Download Eco Bird MSDS |
This product may be used to repel birds such as starlings, blackbirds, cowbirds, gulls, Canada geese, mallards and other birds that have become a nuisance or health hazard in the target area.
Electrical substations, structures and buildings, trees and shrubs, airports and open areas, golf courses, lawns, sports fields, parks, around lakes and ponds, harbors, boat docks, day cares, hospitals, and other outdoor areas
Volume (Ships from NJ)
1 gallon containers
Active Ingredient
40% Methyl Anthranilate
Freezing Point
-40 degress C
Flash Point
248degrees F
Water Solubility
Extinguishing Media
Dry chemical foam
Clear blue liquid, grape-like odor