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Dean Lloyd Enterprises, Inc., Bird Control Products
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Hospital Bird ControlSchools and Hospitals tend to maintain a clean and orderly appearance around the building and on the grounds, but they are not immune from the same type of bird problems that affect so many commercial buildings. Birds will find a convenient place to roost on ledges, beams and signs. Building roofs are another area birds like to congregate. It's important that maintenance teams check the roof frequently for any signs of nests or excessive bird droppings, especially around heating systems, air conditioning equipment and ventilation systems. Birds tend to like these areas to seek shelter, warmth and build nests. Maintenance crews must pay special attention that bird droppings are cleaned up promptly around ventilation systems in order to avoid bird diseases being spread into the building. This could potentially pose a health hazard to children in schools and sick and elderly people in hospitals. Review our tips and suggested bird control products for schools and hospitals below to keep birds away and your property looking well maintained.
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School & Hospital Building Bird Control Strategies
Pest birds can become more than a nuisance at schools and hospital buildings if left unattended. Implementing a proactive bird control management program is critical to keep children, staff and patients safe from potential harmful diseases that can be spread from bird droppings. Birdstoppers offers several proven effective bird deterrent products that can keep your school or hospital protected from pest birds.
  • Bird netting can protect any open area that has a zero bird tolerance keeping pigeons out and avoiding costly damage and repairs. Protect building roofs, HVAC units, vents, chimneys and more from pest birds. 

  • Bird Hazers can protect large open areas like building roofs to keep birds away. Hazers are also effective on repelling birds away from grounds and recreational areas.

  • Powerful electronic sound repellers like the Super BirdXPeller Pro can frighten away pigeons and other birds up to 6 acres. Bird repellers are effective to protect around outdoor building areas, grounds, parking facilities and more.

  • For areas that sound devices will be disturbing, try a silent and discreetultrasonic bird repeller like BroadBand Pro to repel birds in large outdoor areas and lots.

  • Bird Spikes and Bird Gel deterrents can be used to keep birds from roosting on ledges, beams, canopies, rafters, pipes and other surfaces. UV Reflective Paint is a great bird deterrent for all landing surfaces.

  • Bird scares like Bird Deflector are an effective visual bird deterrent which can be mounted on roofs, HVAC equipment and just about anywhere to repel pigeons and birds.

School Bird Control

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Plastic Bird SpikesPlastic Bird SpikesPlastic bird spikes create a physical barrier to prevent birds from landing on rooftops and ledges.
Shock TapeShock TapeAdhesive-backed conductive tape sends a low voltage zap to stop birds from perching on surfaces.
Stainless Steel Bird SpikesStainless Steel Bird SpikesSteel bird spikes physically prevent pest birds from roosting on landing surfaces like rooftops, ledges, etc.
Super BirdXPeller ProSuper BirdXPeller ProSonic bird repeller uses natural distress calls for bird control protection in large outdoor areas.
Surface Pro Tack - Liquid SpikesSurface Pro Tack - Liquid SpikesLiquid plastic bird spikes, for indoor and outdoor use, that makes surfaces tacky and uncomfortable for birds to land on. 
Universal Bird Control SpikeUniversal Bird Control SpikeStainless steel bird spikes can be adjusted to fit a variety of narrow surfaces to keep birds off!
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