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Dean Lloyd Enterprises, Inc., Bird Control Products
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Outdoor Bird ControlBirdStoppers offers outdoor bird and animal repellent products that are safe and effective solutions to repel nuisance birds and keep wildlife off your property. Outdoor bird and animal control can be significantly more challenging than keeping them out of your home or building. There are several factors to consider before selecting a pest control method that is best suited for your application.

Pest birds and animals cost homeowners and businesses millions of dollars per year in property damage including clean up expenses, repairs and equipment replacement. The damage caused by birds and animals is expensive enough. The last thing you want to incur is additional expense for purchasing the wrong products for the job. Review our strategies for effective outdoor bird and animal control and visit our recommended products below. If you need assistance in developing a pest removal strategy, Bird Control help is just a phone call away!
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Outdoor Bird Control Strategies
The best practice for outdoor bird control is to prevent them from landing on your building or property in the first place. BirdStoppers has several effective outdoor bird removal products and strategies that can eradicate the problem. BirdStopper's outdoor bird control products create a threatening and unappealing environment for birds and are designed to alter bird behavior by conditioning them to avoid threatening areas before they become acclimated to their surroundings.
  • Sonic bird repellers, like our SuperBirdXPeller Pro, broadcast threatening bird distress calls and and covers several acres of property.

  • Ultrasonic (silent) bird devices, like our BroadBand Pro, discreetly protect large outdoor areas with ultrasonic waves that disorient and irritate birds.

  • Bird hazers are designed to protect all open-air environments by emitting a light haze in the air that has an irritating scent to birds. 

  • Bird netting creates a physical barrier to entry points and landing spots for birds. Ideal for covering any specific area you want to keep bird free.

  • Bird spikes are a low cost and effective bird deterrent for preventing birds from roosting on ledges, sills, rafters, etc.

  • Visual scare devices are an easy and affordable bird control method for wide open areas. Use bird scares in conjunction with other bird repellent products.

  • Scent and taste aversion products, like Bird Stop Liquid Bird Repellent, are a great way to protect turf, grass, crops, structures and more.

  • Bird gels are sticky and irritable to birds and can be used in small areas as a roost inhibitor to keep birds from perching on beams, ledges, signs, rafters, etc.

  • Bird shock devices, like Shock Tape, electrifies potential landing spots and gives birds a small shock when they try to land. Works on all flat surfaces.

Outdoor Bird Control Spikes
Animal and Wildlife Control Strategies
Several of our bird control products are also effective at repelling animals, rodents and bats.

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Flock Free Tank Mix KitFlock Free Tank Mix KitTank Mix Kit is a specially formulated liquid bird repeller that can be sprayed on structures and foliage.
Flock Off! UV PaintFlock Off! UV PaintUV reflective paint creates a visually intense barrier that birds instinctively avoid.
Gator GuardGator GuardRealistic "floating" visual predator scares away geese and other water birds.
GooseBusterGooseBusterSonic goose control repeller features authentic goose alert and alarm calls to prevent acclimation.
GooseBuster ProGooseBuster ProGoose repeller features single-speaker to get rid of Canada Geese in smaller areas.
HVAC Riser Netting SystemHVAC Riser Netting SystemEconomical solution to keep birds away from expensive AC-HVAC units with protective netting system.
Irri-TapeIrri-TapeFoil tape repels birds with a synergy of visual, audible and physical distractions to scare them off.
Mega Blaster ProMega Blaster ProSuper sonic bird control repeller blasts birds away with very loud bird distress calls. Ideal for airports and landfills.
Mini Solar HazerMini Solar Hazer

The Mini Solar Hazer dispenses an invisible haze to irritate birds that is ideal for outdoor remote locations.

Outdoor Bird LaserOutdoor Bird LaserOutdoor laser bird repeller distracts and removes birds, rodents and bats from outdoor areas with laser technology.
Plastic Bird SpikesPlastic Bird SpikesPlastic bird spikes create a physical barrier to prevent birds from landing on rooftops and ledges.
Portable Moby Bird HazerPortable Moby Bird HazerPortable and sleek bird hazer is ideal for chasing geese and other birds away from any location!
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