Every Spring the perennial battle begins again- Farmer vs. Bird! Pest bird control is one of the biggest challenges farmers face each year and one of the main reasons for crop failure and loss of income. Regardless of what the crop is birds have been stealing food and income from farmers every season. Armed with an arsenal of safe and effective agricultural bird control products from BirdStoppers, farmers no longer have to be the victim in this never ending battle!
We offer several recommended agricultural bird control products and strategies for success below. In addition, many of our products work well to repel wildlife and rodents. |
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Agricultural Bird Control Strategies
Our agricultural bird deterrent products are designed to repel pest birds like pigeons, crows, blackbirds, geese, starlings, sparrows, seagulls, and most other nuisance birds. Some pest birds have a crop preference but most will feed on just about any type of food source. Open food storage bins, storage sheds and granaries are an easy food source for birds and animals. It's important to keep these areas protected, as well. Our agricultural control products are designed to protect farms, barns, sheds, stables, food storage areas, orchards, vineyards, fish farms, fruit trees, gardens and much more. |
Bird netting is one of the oldest and most effective methods of bird exclusion for crops and structures while still allowing sun and rain to penetrate through.
Bird Hazers are useful to protect large open areas of crops and emit a light haze that emits a scent that birds find irritating. Multiple bird hazers can be installed in different locations and run by a solar powered generator.
Powerful electronic noise repellers like the SuperBirdXPeller Pro can frighten away birds and protect up to 6 acres of land.
The GooseBuster Sonic Repeller protects seedlings and new crops from pest geese.
Use our food-grade, taste aversion bird repellent, Bird Stop, to protect fruit trees, vineyards, crops, gardens, grain and seed, grass and much more.
Create physical bird barriers to landing on structures, ledges, beams, rafters, etc. with Bird Spikes or Bird Gel deterrents. Bird shock devices can be used to protect trees and surfaces
Visual bird scares like Bird Bopper and life-like predator bird decoys such as Prowler Owl can be used to protect crop in wide open areas. Visual scares work well in combination with other agricultural bird control solutions.