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Tips for Effectively using Electronic Bird Repellers

Tips for Effectively using Electronic Bird Repellers

  1. Bird nests should be removed prior to using any BirdStopper's products, if there is a nesting situation involved. If birds are in trees, and nests cannot be physically removed, electronic bird control devices need to be close to the trees or structure with the birds in order to have any desired effect! Please be cognizant of what time of year bird nests are removed, some birds are protected under law and their eggs should not be handled.

  2. Electronic bird repeller products typically do not work immediately! Actually, in some cases, the electronics DO produce immediate and dramatic results. BUT, as a general rule, and considering the thousands of situations and environments it may take several days and patience for the product to affect the birds. Again, in cases of nests, the continued existence of the bird nests, especially in the spring, will be an instinctive magnet for the birds.

  3. Visual scare products are highly recommended to be used in combination with the electronic sound repellers. Any new, physical bird deterrent (good ones like our Terror-Eyes, Prowler OwlIrri-Tape or Bird Deflector) will add effect to any newly introduced sound designed to repel birds. Adding a visual bird deterrent may add a huge dimension to the sounds, how well they work, how quickly the sounds take effect, etc. The sound systems are designed and guaranteed without the visuals, but the synergy of both always adds impact. The Broadband PRO can be ordered with our Multi Visual Scare Kit and has one of the highest success rates of effectively removing birds!

  4. Electronic products need to be installed at the correct height level. In order for the electronic bird device to work most effectively, the birds must be exposed proximately and consistently to the sounds whether they are ultrasonic sounds (silent to humans) or the occasional sonic sounds (natural sounds of predator birds like hawks and falcons and bird distress signals).  This means that the speaker of a given system must be all the way up at the level of the birds and the birds ideally should be exposed to the sounds at a reasonable distance for a good deal of the time to break their particular habit.

  5. We cannot say electronic bird control devices can control 100% of the birds 100% of the time in 100% of applications! There are simply too many environments and contributing factors which may determine how well an electronic bird repeller works, how fast it takes effect and what percentage of the problem a given repeller is capable of solving.  Empirical data shows that the success rate is well in to the 80% range and in many cases higher.

  6. Electronic sound products are guaranteed, visual repellers are not. For customer's peace of mind, we have a one month performance guarantee on all electronic bird repellers! This allows the customer to use the product, monitor results, move and experiment with the product, if necessary. If the customer is not satisfied with results, the sound system may be returned to us directly for a full refund of the purchase price.

  7. Sound devices must be changed, moved, discontinued and varied. Sound devices are designed, in part, to change behavior patterns of birds. The systems are programmed by the user and the programming is there so it can be altered frequently or periodically to continue to chase the birds. Nest removal may have to be more frequent than once to help the longevity of the control program. The SHORT off time should NOT be used with the electronics!

  8. Sounds should NOT come on any more often than 5 minutes apart (use LONG or extra long setting). Speakers can be moved physically and the system even shut off periodically to keep the environment changing. Bird Stop liquid repellent spray is recommended as a seasonal application to prevent new nesting and roosting around the area.

Pre-Installation of a Bird Control Device

Pre-Installation of a Bird Control Device

No two bird infestation problems are exactly the same. Treat yours as you would any well engineered project, and begin with research. Success depends on timing, organization and diversity. Collect and consider information related to the bird problem that may have bearing on the actual installation and its success:

Survey the birds. Gather specific data as to the type and population of birds, length of time of their residence, flight and time patterns, entries, exits and favorite areas, and nesting, feeding and roosting habits. Review our section on Identifying birds by species. Knowing the type of bird you're dealing with is a good start!

Survey your property. Discover what the birds find attractive about your area (food, shelter, hidden recesses...), and whether the same conditions prevail in neighboring properties. Note overhangs or foliage above current infestations.

Remove all inducements. Before installing any product, make sure to clean the area of all evidence of birds: nests, fledglings, droppings, dead birds, and the residual scent. (Adult birds are likely to return to their young in order to protect them or to assist them in leaving the area.) Also remove food spillage, garbage, nesting material and other items that may be appealing to birds.

Maintain a clean and changing environment. For maximum effectiveness, periodically clean the area of nests, debris and droppings. This should be done often on a new installation to ensure that birds do not try to return to their old habits.

Install early. It is always best to install a product before "bird season" begins; it is easier to keep the birds away than to rout them out once they have already established a living pattern.

Consider alternate locations. Make educated guesses as to where the birds will go when they are repelled from their current infestation. It may be very easy for birds to relocate to the other side of a roof or warehouse, an adjacent loading dock or a nearby gutter or pipe. Products should be applied to, or installed in, these adjacent areas as well.

Familiarize yourself with the legal and public relations environment. Find out about related environmental laws in your area. Some bird species are protected under Federal law and special considerations may be necessary when applying effective bird control solutions.

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