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Service Industry Bird ControlPest control is probably more crucial in the hospitality and service industry than any other. Appearance and reputation are critical to the success of hotels and restaurants. Hotel and restaurant managers must have a zero tolerance for pest birds, animals or insects in their establishments. One bad incident with a bird or pest problem can leave a customer with a negative experience that can quickly be shared with others in today's world of instant communication. In addition, uncontrolled pest problems can lead to expensive property damage, costly repairs and potential liability and public health issues.

Hotel and restaurant managers can feel confident knowing that BirdStoppers offer several effective and discreet pest control products and solutions to keep your business bird and pest free. Review our strategies and recommended pest deterrent products below.
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Hospitality Industry Bird Control Strategies
Pest birds that have become acclimated to the area make complete bird removal much tougher to solve. You can be proactive in preventing a major bird infestation. Clean up bird messes from walkways right away and keep any type of food sources covered and contained, including garbage cans and dumpsters. If birds are spotted in an area on a consistent basis, take action right away by using a recommended bird deterrentProtect roofs, equipment, signs and structures with bird barrier deterrents. Bird control products for hotels and restaurants are most effective when implemented before the bird population gets out of control.
  • Bird netting can protect any open area that has a zero bird tolerance keeping pigeons and birds out and avoiding costly damage and repairs. For building roofs, HVAC units, venting and more. 

  • Bird Hazers can protect large open areas like building roofs to keep birds away. Hazers are also effective on repelling birds around outdoor hotel facilities.

  • Powerful electronic sound repellers like the Super BirdXPeller Pro can frighten away pigeons and other birds around outdoor building areas, grounds, parking facilities and more.

  • Use BirdXPeller Pro, which has sound settings targeted for specific bird species, to repel birds in smaller areas or semi-enclosed spaces.

  • For areas that sound devices will be disturbing, try a silent and discreetultrasonic bird repeller like BroadBand Pro to repel birds in large outdoor areas.

  • Bird Spikes and Bird Gel deterrents can be used to keep birds from roosting on ledges, beams, canopies, rafters, signs and other surfaces.UV Reflective Paint is a great bird deterrent for all landing surfaces.

Hotel Bird Control
Hospitality Industry Rodent & Insect Control Strategies
  • Crawlings insects, rodents and other pest can be repelled using one of our discreet and silent ultrasonic deterrent products like Transonic Pro and Transonic Bugchaser.

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Transonic Bug ChaserTransonic Bug ChaserSonic and ultrasonic bug repeller gets rid of all insects using sound frequencies that make them scatter. 
Transonic ProTransonic ProSonic and ultrasonic animal repeller gets rid of bats and small critters using sound frequencies they can't tolerate.
Tweetzilla Bird Control HazerTweetzilla Bird Control HazerBird haze generator is ideal for bird dispersal in populated areas for indoor and outdoor use!
Universal Bird Control SpikeUniversal Bird Control SpikeStainless steel bird spikes can be adjusted to fit a variety of narrow surfaces to keep birds off!
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