Canadian Geese can be one of the most difficult birds of all to try and repel.
Several articles have been written about controlling geese populations. Many products have been invented to try and repel them. Some of these products work better than others but typically have a limited degree of success if used as a stand-alone bird control solution.
Recently, we added a new line of bird control products to our site called Bird Hazers. Bird Hazers provide a unique solution to bird control in open-air environments and large areas. All Bird Hazer units turn Eco Bird, a liquid bird repellent, into an invisible, lighter than air haze that rises up to meet birds in flight. Eco Bird has a pleasant grape smell to humans, however, when inhaled by birds, the scent irritates the bird receptors associated with taste and smell. While not harmful, the active ingredient, MA, causes enough of an unpleasant reaction to make birds in flight want to leave the area. It only takes a small amount of MA to provoke an irritation in birds.
We have been finding great success with Bird Hazers repelling geese and other large birds as a stand-alone unit. A single hazer can repel geese for up to two acres. Hazers are fairly easy to operate once you have them positioned where you want them. Each hazer has a 2-1/2 gallon tank capacity which is large enough to provide almost 2-3 months of coverage before the unit needs to refilled. Once the unit is powered up and turned on you can pretty much walk away and watch the geese scatter for more desirable locations.
Our most popular bird hazers for repelling geese are the Portable Moby Hazer.
The Portable Moby Hazer is designed to be used in areas where geese are gathered in significant numbers. This unit is designed to move geese out of these areas permanently. The hazer is fully automated and can be left unattended while it works to keep geese away.
Posted by Bird Beat Blogger on March 6, 2015 at 12:55 PM under