Pigeons are one of the most common pest birds and difficult to eradicate without the right products.
You will rarely be able to control pigeons with any single bird control method successfully. The bird control methods that yield the best results typically require mixing and matching various bird control products to enhance control measures. Below we offer several recommendations on controlling pigeons in a variety of different situations.
Outdoor Pigeon Control for small pigeon populations
If the pigeon population is small and they are just roosting and loafing around, try the following combination of products:
- Flock Off UV Paint is the most economical bird control method and will work outside for up to 6 months but reapplication of the gel will be required periodically.
- A combination of Shock Tape and UV Paint can be an even more effective and permanent solution to protect landing areas.
- Use Bird Stop liquid bird repellent to treat any areas that Gel or Tape cannot be applied.
- Bird deflectors can be added to enhance every bird control project to help increase bird irritation levels.
Outdoor Pigeon Control for large pigeon populations
Intense pigeon populations or full blown infestations will require the use of Bird Hazers to eradicate them. Pigeons that are heavily invested in a particular location are most likely beginning to nest.
- The best bird hazer to repel pigeons is the Tweetzilla Hazer because it has two different hazing technologies and emits a wider range of particle sizes into the air to irritate bird's senses
- If the issue is extremely severe, multiple hazers may be required to speed the rate of success.
- Shock devices can be used temporarily in heavily infested areas to help keep the birds irritated and in-flight. This enhances the effectiveness of the Hazers.
Interior Pigeon Control
We recommend the following strategies for repelling pigeons that are flying in and out of indoor areas seeking shelter. These methods are not intended for pigeons that have established nests.
- Shock Tape is effective from keeping pigeons from roosting on beams, rafters and other landing surfaces.
- Place a bird hazer, like the Tweetzilla Hazer near outside entry and exit doors where pigeons may have access to fly in and out.
- For nesting pigeons, the problem becomes extremely more difficult to remove them. The above methods will not have the same level of success once pigeons are nesting. Nests will need to manually removed. Treat around the nests with Bird Stop.
Posted by Bird Beat Blogger on January 23, 2015 at 3:45 PM under